Y3 - Art
Our Y3 children's art lesson was a little unusual this week; we made our own egg tempera paint! We learnt about how artists hundreds of years ago used egg yolk to make their paint by mixing it with pigments, looking at Leonardo da Vinci's 'The Last Supper' (1495) as an example. We even found out that some Egyptian egg tempera paintings still exist today. Then it was time to get 'cracking' and make our own paint using powder paint, white vinegar and egg yolk. The trickiest part was breaking the egg and separating the white from the yolk! Once we'd done that we added a spoonful to each primary colour and mixed it thoroughly before drawing and painting some fish. We found the paint smooth, silky, slimy and quite quick-drying. When it was dry it had a beautiful sheen which made the fish shimmer! Well done Y3! Thanks to https://www.accessart.org.uk/ for inspiration. #engageandinspire