This week we have been wearing odd socks as it is Anti-Bullying Week. The wearing of odd socks is designed to celebrate difference; it’s about understanding that everyone is different and equal and encouraging everyone to be themselves. The organisers know that simply wearing odd socks won’t tackle bullying, but that ‘difference’ can often be the root cause of bullying. Odd Socks Day (or week here at Malcolm Sargent!) aims to show that everyone is unique and encourages us all to embrace and accept difference as a good thing.
Every November schools throughout the United Kingdom take part in Anti-Bullying Week and this year it has the theme ‘United Against Bullying’. This is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on bullying and consider the steps we can take together to stop it.
The charity Anti Bullying Alliance has teamed up with Kidscape to produce an Anti-Bullying Week pack for parents and carers, which has some lovely activities you may like to complete with your children. You can find it here
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