April 2023
Please see below letters and information sent to parents this month.
- WS - Newsletter - April 2023 - 28.04.23
- Y3 - Nutrition Workshop on 4 May - 28.04.23
- WS - King's Coronation Celebrations on 5 May - 27.04.23
- WS - Elections - 27.04.23
- Y1- NumBots - 25.04.23
- Y4 - Nightlights Project - 25.04.23
- Y34 - Tag Rugby Tournament on 4 May - 25.04.23
- WS - Alan Mackenzie E-Safety Update - 24.04.23
- Y56 - ASC Water Polo at SES on 15 May - 24.04.23
- WS - LCC Childcare Survey - 21.04.23
- WS - House Names - 21.04.23
- Y6 - Drama Club Rehearsals & Shows - 21.04.23
- Y4 - Peterborough Museum Trip in June 2023 - 20.04.23
- Y1 - Hamerton Zoo Park Trip in May - 20.04.23
- Y6 - SATs Information 2023 - 20.04.23
- WS - Parking in Tatum Close - 19.04.23
- Y1&2 - Phonics Screening Check - 19.04.23
- WS - Alan Mackenzie E-Safety Update - 19.04.23
- WS - Parking in Tatum Close - 19.04.23
- WS - Sports Days 2023 - 18.04.23
- WS - Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum Newsletter (April) - 18.04.23
- Y456 - ASC Football Club in Summer 1 2023 - 18.04.23
- WS - Parent Workshops from LCC - 17.04.23
- Y1 - Locality Walk on 20 April - 17.04.23