Attendance at school is vital to a child's development. Every child has a right to education and in order to fulfil their personal potential and to ensure their academic and social well-being and success, they should attend school every day.
Your child is expected to attend school 100% of the time unless there is a valid and acceptable reason for their absence. Family holidays are not considered as valid or acceptable reasons. Our Pastoral Team will be contacting the parents of any child whose attendance has fallen below 95%. Any child whose attendance falls below 90% is a Persistent Absentee. Attendance figures are closely monitored by a member of the Senior Leadership Team and poor attendance is considered a safeguarding matter.
School |
National |
2022/2023 (Unvalidated) |
2022/2023 (Unvalidated) |
Attendance |
96.73% |
92.5% |
Absence |
3.26% |
7.5% |
Persistent Absence |
3.37% |
22.3% |