Contact Us
Malcolm Sargent Primary School
Empingham Road
Please direct all enquiries to our front office team (Mrs Karen Watkinson, Miss Lauren Butler) on the e-mail address shown below:
Tel: 01780 756056
Email: enquiries@malcolmsargent.lincs.sch.uk
Office Opening Times: 08:30 - 16:00 Monday - Friday
Principal - Mr Tristan Revell by email to enquiries@malcolmsargent.lincs.sch.uk
SENDCo - Mr Tim Cox by email to
Chair of the Trustee Board - Mr Ken Swanson c/o Malcolm Sargent Primary School or by email to Ken.Swanson@malcolmsargent.lincs.sch.uk
Contact no: 01780 756056
Paper copies of any of the information on our website are available free on request from the school office.
For all Freedom of Information requests, please contact the school by email at liz.town@malcolmsargent.lincs.sch.uk or by telephone at 01780 756056 or by letter to Malcolm Sargent Primary School, Empingham Road, Stamford, PE9 2SR. The named contact for all FOI requests is Mrs Liz Town, the Business Director.
The Malcolm Sargent Primary School is a Single Academy Trust and is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England: with company number 07838151. The Trustee Board is the body which owns the premises and is responsible for the strategic direction of the school. The contact address of the Trustee Board is Empingham Road, Stamford, PE9 2SR.
Registered Office Address: The Malcolm Sargent Primary School, Empingham Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 2SR