School Information


Some of the school's policies are available below. 

Please also see the section "Equality Act 2010" for policies relating to this Act. 

All others are available on request from the school office.  

  1. Acceptable Use Policy - April 2023-April 2025
  2. Access Audit - Nov 2020-Nov 2024
  3. Accessibility Plan - Aug 2022-Aug 2025
  4. Admission Policy - Sept 2023-Aug 2024
  5. Admission Policy - Sept 2024-Aug 2025
  6. Admission Policy - Sept 2025-Aug 2026 - UNDER CONSULTATION
  7. Advertising Procedure - Jan 2023-Jan 2028
  8. Allegations of Abuse against Staff & Volunteers Policy - March 2024-March 2025
  9. Anti-Bribery, Gifts and Hospitality Policy - Nov 2021-Nov 2025
  10. Anti-Bullying & Harassment Policy for Adults - Jan 2023-Jan 2027
  11. Anti-Bullying Policy for Pupils - Jan 2022-Jan 2026
  12. Asthma Policy - Jan 2020-Jan 2025
  13. Attendance Procedure & Cycle for Pupils - Sept 2023-Aug 2024
  14. Attendance Procedure & Cycle for Pupils - Sept 2024-Sept 2028
  15. Behaviour Management & Exclusion of Pupils Policy - Sept 2023-Sept 2024
  16. Bereavement Policy - May 2020 - May 2025
  17. Charging & Remissions Policy - Jan 2022-Jan 2025
  18. Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy - Sept 2023-Sept 2024
  19. Children Missing Education Policy - May 2021- Sept 2024
  20. Code of Conduct - Oct 2023-Oct 2025
  21. Complaints Policy - Jan 2024-Jan 2025
  22. Confidentiality Policy - Dec 2020-Dec 2025
  23. Conflict of Interest Policy - Jan 2024-Jan 2029
  24. Data Protection Policy - June 2022-June 2026
  25. Drug Policy for Pupils - August 2022-August 2027
  26. E-Safety Policy - June 2023-June 2026
  27. Early Career Teaching Policy - Jan 2024-Jan 2025
  28. Early Years Foundation Stage Policy - Apr 2022-Apr 2026
  29. Educational Visits & School Trips Policy - March 2024-March 2029
  30. English as an Additional Language (EAL) Policy - Oct 2022-Oct 2026 (inc ref to Bell Foundation EAL Assessment Framework)
  31. Equality & Diversity Policy - Dec 2020-Dec 2024
  32. Food Policy - Jan 2020-Jan 2025
  33. Freedom of Information Policy - Jan 2023-Jan 2027
  34. Health Safety Policy - March 2024-March 2025
  35. Homework - Jan 2022-Jan 2025
  36. Intimate and Personal Care Procedure - Aug 2022-Aug 2027
  37. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023
  38. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
  39. Leave of Absence for Pupils Policy - Jan 2023-Jan 2027
  40. Lettings Procedure - April 2024-April 2025
  41. Looked After & Previously Looked After Children Policy - Oct 2023-Oct 2024
  42. Malcolm Sargent Way Manners Manual - May 2023-May 2025
  43. Marking Procedure - Sept 2021-Sept 2024
  44. Medicines and First Aid in School - Jan 2024-Jan 2027
  45. Photography & Videos in School Policy - June 2022-June 2026
  46. Privacy Notice - Pupils & Families - June 2022-June 2026
  47. Protection of Biometric Information of Children Policy - Oct 2023-Oct 2024
  48. Public Sector Equality Information & Objectives Statement - Jan 2024-Jan 2028
  49. Publication Scheme (Under the Freedom of Information Act) - July 2024-July 2028
  50. Pupils With Health Needs Attendance Policy - March 2024-March 2025
  51. Recruitment & Selection Policy and Procedure - June 2022 - June 2025
  52. Relationships, Sex & Health Education (RSHE) Policy - Jan 2024-Jan 2025
  53. Remote Learning Policy - Feb 2022-Feb 2026
  54. Risk Assessment Procedure - Jan 2022-Jan 2026
  55. School Closure Procedure - March 2024-March 2029
  56. SEND - Report - March 2024-March 2025
  57. SEND Policy & Appendices - March 2024-March 2025
  58. Smoke-Free & Vape-Free Procedure - April 2021-April 2026
  59. Social Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) Policy - Apr 2022-Apr 2026
  60. Social Media Policy - May 2024-May 2029
  61. Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy - Feb 2022-Feb 2026
  62. Surveillance & CCTV Policy - Jun 2022-Jun 2026
  63. Teaching and Learning Policy - Feb 2022-Feb 2025
  64. Travel Policy - Dec 2021-Dec 2025
  65. Volunteering Code of Conduct - Nov 2023-Nov 2024
  66. Volunteering Policy - Nov 2023-Nov 2024
  67. Whistle-Blowing Policy & Procedure - Oct 2022-Oct 2026
  68. Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023
  69. Young Carers' Policy - Jan 2024-Jan 2025