Our curriculum & local school sport network, combined with sports premium funding enables us to deliver sports and PE each year through our plan.
We use Inspire+ to help further supplement our sporting programme. They deliver and support our staff through services such as: CPD for teachers, mentor & talented athlete programmes for pupils, Bronze Ambassador & Playground Leadership training for pupils and activity days including the Mini-Commonwealth Games event our Y4 children attended this year. A full list can be found in our ‘sports premium page’ here
In Y6, we attend a residential trip which allows us to cover the ‘take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team’ part of the National Curriculum. The children currently complete a 3day/2night residential which is an amazing opportunity to make new friends in preparation for secondary school, try new & exciting activities and spend a few nights away from home!
Bikeability is another service and experience we offer children in Y5 to ensure they are safe and confident while using their bikes on the roads. We encourage our children to walk, bike & scoot to school and hold various events through the year such as ‘Golden Boot Week’ and ‘Big Walk & Wheel Week’. Therefore, teaching the children how to ride their bikes correctly on the road is essential part their learning and development in preparation for secondary school where this might be a more common experience.
At Malcolm Sargent we are also fortunate enough to have Acorn wrap around care. This service offers a range of options for children including sessions from our specialist sports coach, Mr Keenan. Details on this can be found here: here
Local school sport network:
Within the Stamford area, we have 5-6 other primary schools where we are able to run both competitive and friendly fixtures to develop a wider range of children’s confidence and competence. The typical programme can be seen in the link below. Please note: this is subject to change and is just a rough outline of the competitions we hold.
Please see below for a list of our local sports fixtures.
Finally, we would like to signpost you to local clubs in the areas. Our curriculum will cover a wide range of sports and skills over the 7-year journey at Malcolm Sargent, but if your child wishes to pursue a particular sport in a more competitive way, or they wish to develop their skills then please see the attached club list (details were up-to-date in June 2022 but subject to change).
Please see below for a list of local clubs.