Secondary Transfer
At the beginning of Year 6, parents have to apply for a secondary school for their child. The process of choosing the right school for your child begins in Year 5 and at Malcolm Sargent Primary School we help parents by holding information evenings and inviting in secondary schools to talk to parents.
Please see below for the list of secondary schools our children are attending:
2021 2022 2023
Ambergate 0 1 0
Arthur Mellows Village College 1 0 1
Bourne Academy 1 0 1
Bourne Grammar School 5 13 12
Casterton College Rutland 72 43 45
Catmose College, Oakham 0 2 1
Grantham Walton Academy 0 1 0
King's School, Peterborough 2 2 2
Queen Katharine Academy, Peterborough 1 0 0
Stamford Endowed Schools 2 11 3
Stamford Welland Academy 6 15 20
Leaving the UK 0 1 0
Home Education 0 0 1
Willoughby School, Bourne 0 0 1
Isebrook School, Kettering 0 0 1
Greater Peterborough Universal Technical College 0 0 1
Total 90 89 89