Volunteer Helpers
The school is very lucky to have a number of volunteers who assist teachers in the classroom (Regular Volunteers) as well as a group of parents and visitors to the school who come in on an occasional, ad hoc basis, to present to a group of children in class or to help on school trips (Occasional Volunteers).
Occasional Volunteers would either be asked to volunteer, for instance, parents on a one-off school trip, or be invited by a class teacher to come to school. Regular Volunteers are those people who would like to give back to the community and offer their services on a regular basis.
If you would like to become a Regular Volunteer, please contact the office. As part of our commitment to safeguarding, you will, in the first instance, be required to read the Volunteering Policy and the Volunteering Code of Conduct as well as complete a Volunteering Application Form. The Volunteering Policy and the Volunteering Code of Conduct are both available in the Policies section here. Following this, a risk assessment will be completed by members of the Senior Leadership Team to ensure your suitability to volunteer at our school. We may require an enhanced DBS check and/or references or other information.
Once you have been accepted as a Regular Volunteer, you will be asked to attend a formal induction and orientation meeting, at which the following topics (amongst others) will be discussed:
- Confidentiality.
- Safeguarding and Child Protection including the latest relevant sections of the Keeping Children Safe in Education document.
- Health & Safety.
- Behaviour Management.
- Conduct.
- E-Safety.
Volunteers should be aware that they will be discouraged from working in their child's class.
Volunteers will be asked to make a commitment to the school of at least one session per week for a full term.
If you require any further information to help you decide whether to join us as a volunteer, please telephone 01780 756056 or call in at the office between 0830-1600 Monday to Friday during term times. We look forward to welcoming you to our school team!